Cigar Perfume
Introducing Cigar, The Most Awaited Fragrance
The Cigar perfume, created by Remy Latour in 1996, begins with a unique and distinct fragrance similar to the complex and elegant smell of a fine cigar. An appealing mix of exotic ingredients will take you to a world of luxury and sophistication. Cigar is charming, rich, and pleasant and has an amazing tobacco fragrance.
Cigar Perfume is a scent that is simultaneously fruity and pleasant for men. It has a very attractive and well-blended composition of accords such as sweet, fruity, tobacco, woody, and fresh spicy, creating a nice aura surrounding the person wearing it. Plum, pineapple, pear, bergamot, and Amalfi lemon are the fragrance's top notes, while bay leaf, marigold, geranium, and jasmine are the middle notes. The smell is a combination of fruits and citrus. Tobacco, patchouli, sandalwood, cedar, and musk are the components that make up the base notes. This aroma is incredibly light and airy and will fill the space.